Thursday 7 April 2011

My Cousin Vinny ~ Comedy DVD Movie Review

Joey is travelling through Alabama his good friend Stan when they is stopped by a police patrol. Thinking the arrest is over a mistakenly stolen can of tuna fish, he admits the error and is not overly worried. However, it transpires he is instead being charged with the subsequent murder of the assistant from that very shop. And the case against him, and Stan as his accessory, looks very grim indeed, especially as they have already apparently confessed to the crime! Unable to afford a lawyer, Joey's mother suggests a family member from the city might be able to help and so we are introduced to Sam Pesci as "My Cousin Vinny". However, although he has been to law school, Vinny has never been to court in a lawyerly role. Immediately he clashes with the conservative judge and repeatedly ends up in prison himself in contempt of court, with his long time girlfriend having to continuously bail him out. This is a very funny comedy from start to finish, a special treat being the scene in which he discusses with her the necessity for him to 'bond' with the prosecution lawyer on a deer hunt. His struggle to come to terms with the country court proceedings and the slow country town way of life, plus his attempts to get on with the judge by career history embellishments, do not interfere with Vinny's determination to have his cousin freed. After all, he knows he did not do it!

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